FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android



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Website Last Comment First Comment Total 03-22-2017 06:51 AM EDT 05-04-2016 04:05 AM EDT 5
MyCallBot 11-14-2017 12:21 AM EST 11-14-2017 12:21 AM EST 1
Daily Rank: N/A
All-time Rank: 957 Unchanged
Batting Average: N/A
Velocity: N/A
  • Daily Comments 013-621-4935
  • Cummulative Comments 013-621-4935
  • Distribution By Day 013-621-4935
  • Comment Share 013-621-4935
abo 11-14-2017

this call come from kutip utang company. This number registerd under nurul eriesya's name. A lot of staff of this company was Keling Pukimak which there are very rude... all the keling are very rude.. if they plan to make a visit to your home i hope yau ready to prepare a lot of men to pukul keling pukimak ni

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