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Website Last Comment First Comment Total 04-02-2017 09:35 AM EDT 04-02-2017 09:35 AM EDT 1 01-18-2017 08:09 PM EST 01-18-2017 08:09 PM EST 1 05-06-2017 09:43 PM EDT 12-02-2016 02:07 PM EST 9
MyCallBot 01-18-2017 08:07 PM EST 01-18-2017 08:07 PM EST 1
Daily Rank: N/A
All-time Rank: 953 Unchanged
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  • Daily Comments 403-879-9001
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R 01-18-2017

Visa / Mastercard scammers.
Lots of voices in background, delayed reply to me answering phone, and did not properly introduce self or who he was calling on behalf of. Used shotgun approach "We see you are a valued customer who pays your Visa and or Mastercard bills on time consistently."
Trying to harvest Visa/Mastercard information which I don't own. Apparently I pay my bills on time, pretty proud of myself for that.
I politely tried to get some information from them so I could "call them at a time that was reasonable for me" and the man said "Okay" and hung up.
Tip for people to know, Visa and Mastercard are two separate entities. If the introduction doesn't throw red flags for you, the fact they are attempting to call on behalf of both cards should be a immediate red flag. When in doubt, politely beat around the bush.
A abnormally delayed response to you answering the phone is likely a cause of them making a mass amount of calls.
You are much less likely to receive further calls if you politely have them think/know they are wasting time with you.
When answering the phone we are thrown on the spot and are accustom to making snap decisions and responding quickly, if in doubt do not be afraid to buy yourself some time to think. Maybe your imaginary pet just knocked over a plant?

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