FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Citizens health insurance insurance robocall

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Website Last Comment First Comment Total 05-19-2016 02:51 PM EDT 04-20-2016 12:10 PM EDT 17 05-21-2016 06:06 PM EDT 04-21-2016 01:19 PM EDT 6
MyCallBot 05-17-2016 01:48 PM EDT 05-17-2016 01:48 PM EDT 1
Daily Rank: N/A
All-time Rank: 940 Unchanged
Batting Average: N/A
Velocity: N/A
  • Daily Comments 800-291-8935
  • Cummulative Comments 800-291-8935
  • Distribution By Day 800-291-8935
  • Comment Share 800-291-8935
Harassed2Death 05-17-2016

TIRED OF UNWANTED, HARASSING, TELEPHONE TERRORISM? I keep a list of all unwanted calls and report them to my service / cable supplier once a week. NO, WE SHOULD NOT have to deal with this! Service suppliers need to provide consumers with UNLIMITED blocking abilities! Our service supplier only gives us 30. My phone has a 30 call capacity and my cable supplier gives me a 30 call capacity. Yet, I have another blocker that has over 300 numbers that have been blocked. AS CONSUMERS WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL UNITS!!! Complain to the National and State do not call registries is a absolute JOKE!

Take a moment each day and write down the unwanted numbers, the caller ID and time - go to sites such as this one and try to determine who they are ... once a week send the list to the provider and complain. Believe it or not, it does slow down some of the calls, but they will still come through. Keep Diligent!

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